Monday, March 11, 2013

Food Addiction is a Science: And You're the Target

You promised yourself today you would only eat a handful of Cheetos.  Just a handful, that is it!  Then you would put the bag back on the shelf and leave it there until tomorrow.  Tomorrow you are starting your diet anyway, so maybe you will just throw the bag away.  However, ten minutes later in the midst of your favorite new reality TV show you see an advertisement for ice cream and your taste buds start tingling.  So, you go to the fridge and decide a ½ cup will not do any harm; besides, it is not like you are addicted.  Or are you?...

How does it make you feel to know large food corporations such as Nabisco, Kraft, Coca-Cola, and General Mills have specific formulas to keep you munching on your favorite snack foods, breakfast cereals and sugary drinks?

There is whats called a 'bliss' point in food taste.  A taste that is not too overwhelming, but distinct enough.  Just enough, that you can keep eating it without your brain telling you to stop.  

So you are most likely, whether you know it or not, addicted to three substances 

- SUGAR - FAT - and SALT... 

the three giants added to foods to dazzle your testbeds and fool your brain.

Did you know that some Yoplait varieties - for instance, GoGurts that we so often feed kids - have the sugar of more than two oreo cookies.

Big deal you say, what's two oreo cookies?  7 grams of sugar.  Still not impressed? 

According to the American Heart Association, kids should only have 12 grams of sugar per day.

So if a kid eats one GoGurt and two oreos, they are already exceeding the maximum.

See how easy it can add up?

Stay tuned for more on food addiction, advertising affects, why we're hooked, chemical additives, and how to stop.

Feel free to post questions, comments, or topics you'd like to know more about - I'm happy to get to as many as I can!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

We Are Not Eating Food Anymore

Truth be told, we are not eating food anymore - we are eating food-like matter.

Let me just give you something to chew on for a series I'm going to be authoring entitled...
A Pill for Every Ill: Behind the Scene of Food Additives, Advertising, and Addiction.

This is just something to get you thinking.

MSG and free glutamates are in 80% of the foods we eat to enhance flavor.
MSG is the #1 product fed to mice to fatten them for experiments.

Less than 6% of registered physicians have had formal nutritional training.

Up to 2/3 of people on a "diet" gain more weight then when they started.

Propylene glycol is used in muffins to sweeten and create "fake blueberries."  It's also used to winterize RV's, and before before colonoscopies.

General Mills has a cereal called "TOTAL" - that is called Blueberry and Pomegranate.  It contains no blueberries or pomegranates.

Manufacture's can slap a label "100% fat free" on a product...even if it forms fat after ingested.
