Oddball Workouts

Turkish Getup
Lie on your back with your legs straight. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm extended up. Keeping your elbow locked and the weight above you at all times, move your legs and left arm underneath you to push yourself up. From here, stand up, keeping your right arm straight and the weight overhead. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position. For best results, keep your core braced throughout the move.

Sounds so easy, doesn't it?  So do it.  Whenever someone calls you and you're talking on your cell phone - just start pacing.  Don't stand still, definitely don't sit down - pace!  Pace when you are brushing your teeth (unless your doing the below wall squats), pace while thinking about a decision, pace when you are nervous, pace when you are stressed out, pace when you start thinking you want to eat some cake, pace pace pace!  Pace anywhere.  Be creative. 

Commercial Break Mini-Workout
Next time the ads start during Glee, instead of fast-forwarding the DVR, get off the couch and try a Star Pass. Start in a standing position with your arms over your head, holding the remote control in between both hands. Bend to your right, lifting your left leg off the ground so that your body looks like a star. Then repeat to the left.  If this doesn't suit your needs, try doing reps.  Do 10 crunches, 10 push-ups, 10 leg lifts then repeat.  Mix it up and make your own workout - just keep moving during the commercials!
How Often Should You Do It: Try doing it during at least half of the commercials that come on during every hour-long TV show you watch!  If your in good physical shape already - do it during ALL the commercials that you watch!  
The Payoff: This is a total body workout and great for toning up your legs and abs!
Just Remember: Keep your core tight the whole time you’re moving from side to side, to work your abs as much as possible!
Car Ride Butt Crunches
We do a lot of sitting.  Especially - a lot of car ride sitting.  I know this because I drive to the cities three days a week.  Each way is 1.5 hours.  That is 9 hours of driving a week over my regular driving.  So this is my suggestion to keep you workin' out even during those car rides.  Crunch your butt muscles.  It sounds weird,  I know - but it will tighten your butt and thighs.  

Mix it up!  Crunch for five seconds, release for five.  Then do one minute of quick butt crunches.  Crunch to the song beat on the radio.  Crunch every time you see a red car.  Crunch each time you glance in your review mirror.  
 I know its weird.  But it works.  Try it.
Tooth Brush Wall Squats
Instead of standing over the sink while you’re brushing your teeth, stand against a wall with your legs extended out about two feet from the wall. Slowly bend your knees to slide down the wall until you reach a seated position.

Do this every time you brush your teeth!  This small movement will help tone your butt and thighs in an easy, simple fashion!  It doesn't take a trip to the gym, or an expensive piece of equipment.
Three minutes, two times a day.  That is six minutes of butt-toning, thigh-busting awesome.

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