Q & A

Hello dear readers!

Please feel free to leave questions on this page.  I will answer them to the best of my ability and (hopefully) within a weeks time or sooner.  You can email me questions, Facebook me questions, leave them here, and so on!...

Question 1: Do you know of any good recipes for dinner that is cold and has chicken or beef? Other than a salad? - Christine, Minnesota

Answer is in progress!

Question 2: Blood Type Diet?  Good, bad?  -Kristina, Minnesota

Answer coming soon!... Today hopefully.

Question 3: HCG diet? Safe? -Diana, Minnesota

The HCG diet is not safe or effective.  The Food and Drug Administration has advised people to stay away from products that contain HCG.  HCG = human chorionic gonadotropin, its a hormone that is produced during pregnancy.  If a company even sells a product with HCG it is breaking the law. 

The HCG diet recommends eating only 500 to 800 calories a day, which is not healthy under any account.  If you do practice this, you'll lose weight - but its very short term weight loss.  Reducing your calories by this much leads to gallstone formation, irregular heartbeat, and imbalance of the electrolytes that keep your muscles and nerves functioning well.

Ask more.  Stay tuned.  Weekly responses will be posted. 

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