Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hot (very hot) Yoga

Hot yoga isn't something unfamiliar to me.  I've been doing it sporadically for a few months now, usually once a week if I can make it.  So I decided I'd go yesterday to release stress, tension, and get a good sweat in before the weekend.  I came fifteen minutes early on this night to have time to sit and relax in the heat before class began.  We started the first breathing exercise, as normal, and went into the first pose.  All of a sudden, my head felt like it was a top that was rolling off my body.  I sat.  This was too much.  I laid down.  Deciding this was just some fluke, I stood up again after only a few moments to try again.  Black.  Circles of light.  Back down to seating.  This went on for the entire session.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.  I had to constantly, persistently fight the thousands of urges I had to run out of the room and visit the porcelain.  Finally, after what seemed like years, we were done.  I was left breathless, laying on my mat, eyes closed, hoping he would be quick to "fan us" as he usually does at the end of class.  Then came my final challenge of the evening; stay in the room and fight the first three urges to get up and run out into the cool weather.  I fought.  Eventually, my mind won my body over and I got up, leaving a pond-size puddle of sweat behind on the floor, and escaped the sauna.

I don't mean to give hot yoga a bad rep by any means - I adore hot yoga.  Its cleansing, refreshing, and challenging.

The facts about hot yoga:

  • 90 minutes
  • 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit 
  • 26 poses
  • 2 breathing exercises
My experience with hot yoga to this point has been very pleasant.  I feel totally de-stressed, relaxed, and happier after a session.  Its tough, but worth every minute.  The instructors are constantly feeding you with encouragement as well which makes this experience even better - and definitely letting you know its not about competition.  After class I talked to my instructor and told him I was disappointed because I just wasn't able to do the poses like I usually could.  I told him I had to fight ever urge not to just simply sprint out of the room.  But then a light bulb went on; that was my challenge that night.  Not to do a pose better, not to out do someone next to me, but to simply stay in the room.  

Another lesson I've learned from hot yoga is to look past the person in the mirror, and to see inner beauty over outer beauty.  One of the challenges of hot yoga is to meet and keep a gaze at your eyes the entire session.  At first, most people (myself included) have a hard time really looking at themselves because they pick out and list off what is wrong.  

I'm overweight.  I have too many wrinkles.  That mole is disgusting.  I need to shave.  My hair looks gross.  When was the last time I showered?  My pores are huge.  My acne looks like a virus.  Is that a whale or a human being?  My legs look like lizard skin.  I need lotion.  My eyes are too close together.  My brows look like caterpillars.  I'm so frumpy.  Look at that bulge, where did that come from?  Is that a tumor?  Have I always been this pale?  My legs look like they are glowing.  I'm so hot.  

Or, they tend to compare themselves with others.

She looks so good in those spandex pants.  I'm definitely not up to par.  I don't think I've ever looked good half naked.  Gosh her stomach is flat, she probably doesn't eat.  Look at those toned don't.  Look at!  Is she under 100lbs?  She should get help.  I need help.  My wrist is the size of her waist.  I bet she could fit herself into one of my pant legs.  I can't touch the floor...her forehead is on the floor.  

Thoughts like these, are very common.  But - over time, these thoughts dissipate and you begin to realize that you are indeed beautiful...inside...and out.  

Give hot yoga a chance.  You'll be glad you did.  

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