Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thanksgiving is Coming...and so are the Calories

Hello dear readers!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner.  Here are some quick and easy ideas to keep the pounds OFF this holiday season!  More to come as Christmas nears...

Quick Ingrediant Subs to Make!

1. Baked Goods

Oils and butter in these recipes can be substituted with apple sauce, prune puree, or bananas.

2. Chocolate

Use fewer chocolate chips than a recipe calls for or substitute with cocoa powder.

3. Whole Milk, Whipping Cream

Lower fat milk or imitation whipped cream will reduce your calories greatly

4. Butter

Use healthier fats like light cooking spray, canola oil, whipped butter, olive oil, peanut oil, or a trans-fat-free margarine.

5. Salad Dressing

Salads may seem super healthy, but just a tablespoon of some salad dressings can set you back 100 calories. Instead use reduced-calorie salad dressing, lemon juice, reduced-fat cottage cheese, or herb-flavored or wine vinegar.

6. Cheese

Instead of the usual cheese, try reduced fat cheese. I bet neither you nor your family will be able to tell the difference.

7. Sour Cream, Mayonnaise

Use a plain fat free Greek yogurt--it has the same texture and similar flavor to both sour cream and mayonnaise.

8. Gravy

Put your gravy into the refrigerator before serving. Once it gets cold the fat will collect at the top, skim it off, defrost, and serve.


9. What to Serve

Serve low calorie foods like Canadian bacon, roast beef, raw vegetables, light cheese, dip made with fat free yogurt, and/or homemade salsa.

10. Lean Your Meats

Make your meats lean by removing the skin and fat before eating.

11. A Full Plate

Fill up half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables like salad, green beans, spinach, or broccoli.

12. Portion Control

If you have trouble with portion control, drink two large glasses of water right before you start your meal and continue to take sips between bites.

Dessert, yum!

13. Low-Calorie Sweets

Make a lower-calorie dessert like Angel food cake topped with light whip cream and fruit.

14. Fruits

Poached or baked fruits with a light whipped topping also make great desserts.

15. Cakes and Pies

Gingerbread is a lower calorie alternative to the usual cakes and pies.
After the Meal...

16. Walk it Off

Make activity a habit after your meals--whether it be a walk or an interactive game, get the whole family involved so that you can all burn a few extra calories and lead a longer, healthier life together.

Stay tuned.


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