Monday, July 23, 2012

Health Tip: Little changes, BIG results

Hello dear readers!

I've left you again.  My apologies.  It is a busy, busy season.  I have a few small fun facts for you.  I hope they inspire thought!

1) Gum chewing can burn 20 calories per hour.  If you chew gum for 6 hours a day that is 120 extra calories burnt a day!  That is 840 extra calories a week!  That is equivalent to an 8.5 mile run for the average person.  I'm not saying you should chew gum every day for 6 hours, but that small activity added up to a BIG calorie expenditure.  Think little activities throughout the day!  You don't need to hit up a gym six days a week to see huge improvements in weight loss.

2) Choose after-work-activities wisely!  If you come home from work and watch TV all night, you are probably burning 50-75 calories for that evening...just sitting.  If you come home from work and rake leaves then paint a bedroom (or clean...or take the dog for a walk..or something), you can expect to burn 100-150 calories an HOUR.  So while the TV watcher burns 50, you burn 600-900 calories.  That makes a big difference! 

Many people get "bogged down" and overwhelmed with the idea of loosing weight, mainly because they envision the gym.  However, most weight loss happens OUTSIDE of a gym.  And people who are lean, usually just burn more throughout the day...not at the gym. 

So do butt crunches on car rides, stand up periodically and stretch, if you watch TV do crunches and push ups during commercials, park far away, take the stairs, stand more then you sit, jump up and down ten times fifteen times a day, whatever it takes!  Increase your energy output.

Have a fantastic day ya'll. 

Stay tuned.  I promise to be more consistent!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Health Tip: Trade Up

Hello dear readers!

I've recently been introduced to NuVal.  NuVal is a scoring system that ranks a food 1-100 based on a summary of it's nutritional label.  Most people can't really read nutritional labels well...they don't know what a "good" amount of sodium is, what the vitmain percentages mean, and so on.  So NuVal has craftily created a system that is simple and easy.  Now, I can buy the highest NuVal ranking bread with ease, and determine that Nutrigrain Bars and Special K Cereal are not very nutritionally sound.  Either is the Kashi GoLean Cereal all the "health enthusiasts" buy.

It's all about choice.  Think of each foods decision you make as one small battle.  This is the way I picture it...

Check out this bloggers comment:

NuVal (the group that scores the nutritional value of foods from 1 to 100, with 100 being top nutrition) gives Kraft macaroni and cheese a 5. 
That’s food for thought: a 5.  Even Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies score a 10. And it doesn’t matter whether the macaroni and cheese comes from Kraft or Annie’s.  They’re both nutritional losers: Annie's mac also scores a 5.
Kraft Whole Grain Macaroni and Cheese gets an 18.  Then again, Annie's Home Grown Bite Size Whole Wheat Bunnies Baked Snack Crackers does better.  It gets a 27. 
Crazy right?! Definitely so.  Lets let the pictures do the talking now...Remember, the ranking is 1-100...100 being the "best for you."  

  • Skippy Natural Super Chunky Peanut Butter: 20
  • Teddie All-Natural Super Chunky Peanut Butter: 38
  • Jif Creamy Peanut Butter: 20
  • Larabar Apple Pie (NuVal score: 57)
  • Larbar Cherry Pie (NuVal score: 40)
  • Larabar Cashew Cookie (NuVal score: 32)
  • Clif Bar Carrot Cake (NuVal score: 26)
  • CLIF Mojo Mountain Mix Bar (NuVal score: 24)
  • KIND Fruit &  Nut Almond & Apricot Bar (NuVal score: 23)
  • KIND Fruit &  Nut Almond & Coconut Bar (NuVal score: 23)
  • Larabar Tropical Fruit Tart (NuVal score: 23)
IMG_0002 (800x600)

So here are just a few examples of ways you can trade up!  I also suggest using applesauce or flaxseed instead of oils, fruit instead of fruit snacks (fruit snacks get a ONE on the NuVal scoring system), and replacing butter and cream-based dressings!  

Happy choosing!

Stay tuned.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Health Challenge: Serve with a Side of Self-Control

Hello dear readers!

Again, I apologize for my severe lacking-ness of blog postings.  However, I'm trying my best.  I also now have to write this blog for part of an independent study class, so postings will come more frequently!  Hopefully.  That's always the hope.  Speaking of hope, I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July and remembered some of my very valuable health tips on that day! ; ) 

I know I have new readers now, so for those of you who are new - I'll quick introduce myself again.  My name is Samantha, I work in endocrinology/diabetes/nutrition research at the Mayo Clinic.  This blog is not endorsed by the Mayo Clinic in any way - but I just post about what I learn, read, discover, ect.  I've taken numerous nutrition classes, health classes, read scientific journals regularly, do research on obesity, and more.  So I take what I learn - and translate it into fun, readable material.  My passion is health and wellness.  If you have questions please post in the Q&A section - I plan to answer those on a weekly basis.  I'll be posting a new recipe, oddball workout, and more today so look for those!  Please feel free to email me if you have private questions or would like me to perform a diet analysis on what you are eating!  Enjoy!

On to today's quick posting!

Self-Control, Please!

To put it really simply, our culture has a self-control issue.  A big one.  Self-control is probably one of the largest factors in controlling weight issues.  The idea that we just have to have it or we deserve it or we can't survive without it leads to over eating. 

Challenge:  Every time you eat this week, whether it be a meal or a snack, exercise a small amount of conscious self-control. 

How to do it: At every meal, either skip out on taking something, or leave something behind on the plate.  Some of the things I've done include: asking for no bun with my hamburger at restaurants, skip out on a second helping of mashed potatoes on holidays, having a water before pop rule (must consume a gallon of water in a day before I can have a can of soda - when I used to drink soda), not using salt on my veggies, having the waitress box up 1/2 of the pasta dish before I get it, passing up croutons on my salad, exchanging ranch dressing for vinaigrette, using less condiments on my foods, passing up white breads whenever possible, and the list goes on.....  

Write it on your hand every morning if you have to.  Write it on a post-it note at your desk, at the fridge, on your bathroom mirror.  Whatever it takes.  Make it your mantra this week: Self-Control, Self-Control, Self-Control! 

Choose happiness, choose self-control.  The more that you make small self-control decisions, the more "power" you will gain over your body.  That sounds odd, and slightly creepy but its true.  Start making small decisions and eventually you'll be able to say no to those Special-K bars all together (still working on this one...these are my personal weakness). 

But start little.  When you are training for a marathon, you don't run 26 miles on day one.  You start with one, or even half of a mile, and build your way up.  Same with this.  Start little, build up.  But know that the goal is attainable, and is not out of reach. 

Stay tuned. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Watch this, it's only 1 minute and 32 seconds

Hello dear readers!

This trailer is posted on my "videos" tab, but I figure most of you don't go there.  So please watch this!  It is shocking, inspiring, and has devistating reprocutions.  I hope this will inspire you to watch the rest of the series!  They are posted under the video tab as well. 

I want to hear - what do you think about this?  Please leave comments!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weekly Challenge: No White This Week

Hello dear readers!

Once again I've failed to be consistent!  I had my GRE test this weekend (Saturday), so I was a bit of a crazy mess until it was finally over.  Now, I feel as though a good weight has been lifted and I can blog once again!  Hip hip hooray for health! I know its Monday tomorrow, but lets all just try and enjoy the week.  After all, whats better then a mid-week break?! 

On to this weeks health challenge...its going to definitely be a challenge, considering this week is the fourth of July!  Good luck....

Challenge for the weeek: NO WHITE FOR A WEEK.

What does this mean you ask?  No "white?" Yes, no white. You heard me. 

None of this:

*Gasps* from the reader.  This guy, is a nasty fellow.  Just look at how sinister he looks! 

The Why:
White bread is bleached flour.  Most of the fiber that was in it - has been removed.  When the fiber is removed, it becomes a simple carb.  You're body treats simple carbs like sugar.  When you ingest white bread, because you're body treats it like sugar, your insulin levels rise.  Because your insulin levels rise, you're body in turn stores this into fat cells.

You wouldn't eat bleach.  Don't eat bleached flour. 

So when you're at the family picnic this Wednesday, just remember "the whiter the bread, the quicker your dead" and maybe you will stay away from white bread. 

For those of you who say, "I only eat whole wheat!" (with a triumphant face) please feel inclined to take this challenge to the next level.  Eat 100% whole grains this week. 

Please let me know how this one goes. 

Stay tuned.