Hello dear readers!
I've left you again. My apologies. It is a busy, busy season. I have a few small fun facts for you. I hope they inspire thought!
1) Gum chewing can burn 20 calories per hour. If you chew gum for 6 hours a day that is 120 extra calories burnt a day! That is 840 extra calories a week! That is equivalent to an 8.5 mile run for the average person. I'm not saying you should chew gum every day for 6 hours, but that small activity added up to a BIG calorie expenditure. Think little activities throughout the day! You don't need to hit up a gym six days a week to see huge improvements in weight loss.
2) Choose after-work-activities wisely! If you come home from work and watch TV all night, you are probably burning 50-75 calories for that evening...just sitting. If you come home from work and rake leaves then paint a bedroom (or clean...or take the dog for a walk..or something), you can expect to burn 100-150 calories an HOUR. So while the TV watcher burns 50, you burn 600-900 calories. That makes a big difference!
Many people get "bogged down" and overwhelmed with the idea of loosing weight, mainly because they envision the gym. However, most weight loss happens OUTSIDE of a gym. And people who are lean, usually just burn more throughout the day...not at the gym.
So do butt crunches on car rides, stand up periodically and stretch, if you watch TV do crunches and push ups during commercials, park far away, take the stairs, stand more then you sit, jump up and down ten times fifteen times a day, whatever it takes! Increase your energy output.
Have a fantastic day ya'll.
Stay tuned. I promise to be more consistent!
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