Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 5: Health Tip - Your Body is NOT a Landfill

Hello dear readers!

How are you this fine Sunday afternoon?  Thanks to all of you lovely individuals the blog has hit 500 readers!  This is not a lot in blog terms, but it feels nice knowing that someone, somewhere, reads the information I throw into space.  So, thank you!  I appreciate you.

I would really like to hear more from you all however, especially in the "reviews" section of this page.  Please post things under that tab that you have heard about: fish oil, fad diets, P90X, certain herbs, remedies, ect.  I am itching to do research on things that you care about!  Post away!

Onto today's health tip.

This is a landfill.  

Trash is dumped here.  Don't dump trash into you.  Thats not where it belongs.

Many of us treat our bodies like they are landfills.  For most of us, it is not a conscious effort.  We just eat without thinking.  We eat when we are bored, stressed, happy, sad, angry, surprised, excited, rewarded, punished, scared, and the list continues.  We also eat when we are in front of the TV, video games, Facebook, the kindle, the nook, and this list also continues.  

Pair emotional eating with 'electronical' eating?  That, my friends, is a dangerous duo.  Because then we are not only eating "trashy" foods, we are also eating in a way that our stomach and brain do not communicate with each other.  Basically, you have a distorted perception of when you are actually full.  

This is where I suggest the concept of "conscious eating."  Books have been written about this stuff, its not an original idea.  But I suggest thinking before you eat, and when you eat.  Don't just shove things down the hole in your mouth.  For example, people will place open bowls of candy on their counters, like M&M's, peanut butter cups, chocolate kisses, ect.  Many times they will correspond to the season or holiday.  I know, because I grew up with one of these "candy bowls" on our kitchen counter.  Mom, I'm sorry to use our house as an example, forgive me.  

But basically, you'll walk past that bowl twenty times in a given day and almost every time you'll say "oh its just two pieces of candy," munch, munch, munch.  Not thinking.  

Or, you won't think to realize what you are eating because your emotional.  This particularly pertains to the females.  One cliche I can think of is "my boyfriend broke up with me - so I need ice cream!"  NO you don't! He is not worth shoving your face full of empty calories.  Your heart may be empty... doesn't mean you have to eat empty too.  

Or, people will get really stressed out - and eat.  People will get a raise at work - and eat.  People will have a death in the family - and cope by eating.  

You put gasoline (or diesel, or E85) in your car because it runs best off of gas.  You don't put maple syrup in your car because you will die, or something.  

You feed your hamster hamster food.  You don't feed your hamster baby alligators (in this instance, I can confidently say - it would die).  

Same with your body.

Stop feeding your body food and drinks that it doesn't want.  You are literally killing your body (faster) by doing so.  It just takes longer then baby alligators eating your pet hamster.  

Think before you eat.  Your body is not a landfill.  

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post.  

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